Friday, July 20, 2012


OK so I'm trying to get on this thing called luuux which so far I like but tonight it keeps saying that I cant do anything because I'm not logged in but I am for sure logged in. So frustrating, its great for catching up on things or blogging about things you like. Idk I'm just going to give it the night, but if it continues to lag Idk what else to do but to give up. OK have a great Friday.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Random much!

Not sure exactly what I'm writing about just felt like getting on. Had a very short work day, but its OK because I have been working a lot lately which is good but exhausting. So the plan is to get to bed early tonight so in the morning I will be rested and can maybe even get in a good workout before work. Getting back on track is my main goal. That and making money! :) I have a monitor for my laptop now so I can actually use it! It has been so long sense I have checked all my stuff and things just feel so unorganized. Drives me crazy. If all this can happen and I can get my stuff together I would love to post more, and much better ones. Plus I really want to do an update on my Makeup Forever HD powder. OK well until then.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Beautiful day!

So beautiful out today just had to share! Not the best quality pictures, but it works! I'm still trying to get use to this Florida weather it's winter and one day it's cold the next day it's hot. So different from what I'm use to. Summer will be hot, but I so can't wait for it. Plus something to look forward to with the stress of bills and all. Over all I'm still pretty happy here and just taking things one day at a time. It's so weird how easily things can change.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

What a day!

Yes blogger has an app now! So excited! Now it should be easier to get back on track. My life has been so crazy and it has been hard to get on track and get posts out. Well I was suppose to work today got there and there like three people need to go home. Well I need Money I don't wasn't to go and neither did anyone else. So They drew names... I got picked first. Go figure. Oh well I work tomorrow, for sure. Lol so instead I'm just going to hangout and watch some 5th element. Love the movie! Had a great salad for dinner. So good! Then in a little bit I might workout a little. Been slacking lately, not good but I'm getting back on it.

Thursday, December 22, 2011


Wow so much has happened sense I have last posted on here. Dont have time to get into everything right now but im living in Florida and I have a job! All good stuff! Im happy and just living my life. Trying to get back on track and organized, and sense I have my laptop now that should be easer. More of an update later. Crazy day and im just way too tired and out of it.

Friday, September 9, 2011

How would you describe yourself in 3 words?

Indecisive, shy, and trusting

Ask me anything

Sunday, June 12, 2011

13 days tell we start on our road trip/ moving! I am so excited actually we both are! It should be a fun adventure for the both of us! Going through my stuff was hard and there are still some things that I need to get rid of but I'm excited to start fresh!

As for working out I am still doing that and happy about it! Though there have been some motivation problems a few times, but I'm still going at it. You would think all the motivation I needed was being comfortable in a bikini or just to be healthy, but that's not always the case. It's ok tonight I worked on my arms and tomorrow it will most likely be a combo of things. I'm excited because I found a few ideas to burn quick calories like jump rope for 8 mins. Eating healthy wise thats going pretty well, at least for not having money to buy everything I want! Lol

Ok well I'm going to get ready for bed I am so ready for bed. I need to get up early and workout! Need to keep toning up!