Sunday, June 12, 2011

13 days tell we start on our road trip/ moving! I am so excited actually we both are! It should be a fun adventure for the both of us! Going through my stuff was hard and there are still some things that I need to get rid of but I'm excited to start fresh!

As for working out I am still doing that and happy about it! Though there have been some motivation problems a few times, but I'm still going at it. You would think all the motivation I needed was being comfortable in a bikini or just to be healthy, but that's not always the case. It's ok tonight I worked on my arms and tomorrow it will most likely be a combo of things. I'm excited because I found a few ideas to burn quick calories like jump rope for 8 mins. Eating healthy wise thats going pretty well, at least for not having money to buy everything I want! Lol

Ok well I'm going to get ready for bed I am so ready for bed. I need to get up early and workout! Need to keep toning up!

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