Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Something sweet!

OK so I haven't had coffee in over a week and today I really wanted some. The thing was we don't have and white sugar. So I was looking online for other things to put in coffee to make in nice and good! lol well after looking around for a little while I decided to use things I saw and just go for it. So I brewed the coffee and while that was doing its thing, I put vanilla soy milk in a pot and some cinnamon and brown sugar and let it simmer. Then I combined the two in a cup and finished off with a little cold soy milk and wow it was actually really good. Well I thought so. For sure something that I would do more then once. So that is actually really exciting to me cause I'm always looking for different ways to do things with whatever I happen to have in the house, and that is not always a lot.

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