Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day number 7

Darn, I can't believe I made it though day 7. Had an apple and yogurt for breakfast then I worked out. Everything I normally do then stared working on the dance video for fun. Well I guess I was having to much fun cause I really wore myself out. I love dancing and everything about it. Now I'm not saying I'm any good at it. Lol but it is something I would love to do more of and if I want to afraid to go out and take classes and what not for fun I so would.

Anyway later on that day my bf and I went to his sisters for dinner then came home and enjoyed some of our shows together. It was great. If I can just keep my motivation going I think I will be good. Well can't wait to tell you about day number 8. I'm going to play some kinect now.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Day number 6

Wow I almost forgot to blog today. That's not good. Ok yesterday I was a little sore not to bad though. Started working out and ended up working out a little bit longer then I wanted to but I was having fun. After my kick boxing and cardio I decided to do a dance workout and got way to into it.

Well, after I was done I got ready and then my bf and I went shopping. It was a pretty good day and I felt got then we had chicken for dinner. Ok well that all I'm really going to write today tomorrow should be better.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day number 5

Ok so let's see day number 5 was good I got up early that day and the good thing was that I didn't feel tired like I normally do. I had some oatmeal for breakfast and then did my normal workout, alway just a little different, but still the same types of things. I felt so good afterwards as well and thats always nice.

So my little trick for when I workout at home,(if you lived some place warm I'm sure it would work for anywhere)is to workout in just my sports bra and shorts or something tighter but stretchy. The reason for that is because then I can see what I want to work out and it gives me more motivation. Plus it helps me remember to keep my stomach muscles tight. So ya I just thought I would share and hope it helps.

Ok well time for me to work out now. I'm excited now and happy I'm still going strong. Can't wait for day number 6

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day number 4

Day number 4. Let's see. I was sore and pretty tired that morning so I kinda was'nt feeling like working out. I made myself do it though, and burned more calories yesterday then the first two days. I'm slowly working up to more and more as I get in better shape. Oh and today I realized that I have lost 1 pound sense I have started. It's better then nothing and I don't think that's bad for four days. If I could do better with my eatting I think I could loose more but it's kinda hard right now money wise.

So anyway I pretty much did the same workout that I have been doing it just varies a little. Kickboxing, cardo, and a little yoga. Plus I have been trying to up my water intake. Today I am not as sore as yesterday, but I will talk more about that tomorrow and let you know how my day went.

I am pretty happy with myself so far and happy that I have kept it up this long. I know four days doesn't sound like much, but for me it is. I still have to keep it up though, so we will see. Ok well until tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 3

Day 3. Valentines day! It was great! My boyfriend and I went to red lobster and had crab and lobster. It was so good and such a treat. Then I came home and worked out. I did some kick boxing and some cardio and finished it off with a little bit of yoga. Great workout and I enjoyed it. Then later that night I got to video chat with my family it was so nice to talk to them. Then My baby and I watched a movie to finish off the night. It was great!

Well that is about it for day three. Now it's time for me to work out today and I am very sore today. I am going to push through though, because I really want to get in shape.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day number 2

Day number two went pretty well I did some kick boxing and some cardo.then went about my day. At first I really didnt want to work out, but blogging about it and my boyfriend telling me to.(I told him he has to make me workout )

Then later on that day we had a friend over and played xbox kinect. It was lots of fun. I love the track and field game. I really think that is why I am sore today. Any type of workout is better then none.

Ok well I think that is all for yesterday. I am going to go work out now and I'll tell you how it went tomorrow. So far the plan is working, but I usually starts to get hard for me in the next few days.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Workout plan.

OK, there is the plan. I am trying to make myself get into a good workout plan. The first week is always the hardest for me and I have a hard time making it past four days. So my plan is to work out every day for a whole week and then keep going after that as well. today is day two for me and we will see how it goes.

For day one my workout wasn't the best because I started feeling sick for some reason and I didn't even do that much, but it was something and diffidently a start. Eating wise I don't think I did to bad except for the bread pudding that I made last. It was good though.

So with the help of my boyfriend and hopefully some will power I plan to complete my goal. I will try and post every day will how it is going. Now its time for me to get off the computer and go work out. Wish me luck.