Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day number 7

Darn, I can't believe I made it though day 7. Had an apple and yogurt for breakfast then I worked out. Everything I normally do then stared working on the dance video for fun. Well I guess I was having to much fun cause I really wore myself out. I love dancing and everything about it. Now I'm not saying I'm any good at it. Lol but it is something I would love to do more of and if I want to afraid to go out and take classes and what not for fun I so would.

Anyway later on that day my bf and I went to his sisters for dinner then came home and enjoyed some of our shows together. It was great. If I can just keep my motivation going I think I will be good. Well can't wait to tell you about day number 8. I'm going to play some kinect now.

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