Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day number 5

Ok so let's see day number 5 was good I got up early that day and the good thing was that I didn't feel tired like I normally do. I had some oatmeal for breakfast and then did my normal workout, alway just a little different, but still the same types of things. I felt so good afterwards as well and thats always nice.

So my little trick for when I workout at home,(if you lived some place warm I'm sure it would work for anywhere)is to workout in just my sports bra and shorts or something tighter but stretchy. The reason for that is because then I can see what I want to work out and it gives me more motivation. Plus it helps me remember to keep my stomach muscles tight. So ya I just thought I would share and hope it helps.

Ok well time for me to work out now. I'm excited now and happy I'm still going strong. Can't wait for day number 6

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